What We Do


We resource & support young African leaders who are impacting lives and society through their creative initiatives. We especially focus on nurturing and raising leaders as agents of transformation for all the spheres of influence. This include:

  • Student Leaders
  • Local Leaders
  • National Leaders
  • Professional Leaders
  • Marketplace Leaders


We promote inspirational stories using photography, arts, film & documentary production; highlighting social issues in collaboration with others to explore long-term solutions for sustainable living.


We provide a first-class education & learning opportunities in partnership with international and locally based institutions to enable access to educational opportunities, especially for the less privileged in society.


We are committed to see conflict transformed so that peace, self-images, relationships, and social structures are improve as a result of conflict instead of being harmed by it. Peace and Conflict Transformation, involves transforming the perceptions of issues, actions, and other people or groups in restoring peace.


We explore and initiate entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals and ‘‘at-risk” communities by equipping them with knowledge, skill, resources, and access to networks in order to enable sustainable and productive living for themselves, their families and their communities. Our initiatives include:

  • Small and medium-sized business initiatives
  • Renewable energy initiatives
  • Farming and Agri business initiatives
  • Information Technologies initiatives


We address root causes of injustices by resourcing local & international groups through campaign, outreaches and training workshops in order to facilitate transformation in people, families and communities, and create vocational opportunities for all, especially those in ‘at-risk’ communities. Our Justice initiatives focus on three areas:

  • Anti- Slavery
  • Anti- Human Trafficking
  • Community Development